Proud projects that make us stand out
BeachMe Too is a mobile app for the reservation of the beach developed for the California beaches, that allows users to reserve a spot at a beach or beach area. The app allows the users to make the reservations for the beach items that they would like to have on their visit. The customers would be able to search for the beaches by geolocation and could book the beach items by submitting the date and time. After making the payment, the app would be responsible to deliver and set up the requested items on that chosen beach location.
The app can be very useful for people who want to plan their beach trip in advance.
We developed a distinctive app to provide a unique booking system for the customers that is adaptive on the basis of beach items and can be easily accessible via mobile.
Our solution
The app contains key features such as The app will show the real time location of nearby beaches to the user and The user can check the weather condition of that specific beach before the visit.
To get a unique booking system for the customers that is adaptive on the basis of the beach items, and can be easily accessed via mobile and PC.
The app provides a seamless process which enables the user to plan their beech trip with all the ease and without any sort of worries
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Tecbeck meets everything with perfection, that’s the least I can say about how amazed I am seeing all the achievements